Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 5: My 21 Day Journal

Well after today, I felt a little bruised up. It was a long day of difficult ministry. Not a single teenager involved. I know some people think that teens are difficult to deal with. But I just don't agree... I guess it's because I expect them to be inconsistent, immature and self-centered. But when adults (who are Christians) act that way, it's incredibly frustrating to me. People are going through some really difficult circumstances, and I truly have compassion for them. But I can't quite understand why people don't take advantage of every possible tool that is offered to help them get through crises. ???

It's kind of like the camp crash syndrome. You can just watch the experience fade away...or you can pursue the presence of God in every possible avenue to keep the fire stoked. You learn discipline in your devotional life, go to church, worship in your car, go to prayer meeting...CHASE HIM!!!!

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