Friday, February 27, 2009


I was cleaning my room the other day and found a rock. But not any rock the rock I got at convention 2 years ago.and it made me sit and think why haven't I done anything why haven't I tried to take that rock and impact somebody or something like he said "Take your rock and Charge" it makes me think about speed the light and and all that's going to. and the kids in my school and how hard it is to get to know someone and bring them to church . I haven't figured how much I am giving to speed the light but I am taking my rock and charging and I have prayed about this for a while and my goal is to bring 5 people to church and to some people that may sound like not that many and some people think thats alot but it is my goal and I want to have at least two stay and come every wensdsay! and I want some of us to think about that rock that was suppose to impact out lives and think what can I do to help this youth Group!
Deuteronomy 9:15-18
15He led You thrugh the Vast and dreadful desert, that thirsty and waterless land, with its venemous snakes adn scorpions. He brought you water out of hard rock. 16 He gave you manna to eat in the desert, something your fathers had never known, to humble and to test you so than in the end it might go well with you.17 You may say to yourself, " My Power and the strenght of my Hands have produced this wealth for me."18 But remember the lord your God for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth and so covenant, which he swore to your forefather, as it is to today.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Why do we have wierd days where things dont go right? or we do somethign we regret! but lets say blowing up is not the answer. trust me. the other day I was having one of those days. well for instance I was in band and a cupple pple called me dirty names and usually I dont think anything of it and I usually dont care but after band I walked up 2 him and told him "I dont think its funny u called me names and u may think its funny cuz u put a "JK" after it but tht is not something 2 joke about" well and another guy walks up and goes "Bre quit being such a CHRISTIAN" well I was in a bad mood alrealy and so that didnt help but I said " who care if I am christian it has nothing 2 do with the fact of calling me names and what is so wrong with being a christian any way and if u want to insult me fine but plz do it later I am talking " and ewalked away but that the guy that called me names walked up 2 a friend of mine and goes
" dang she blows up dont she" and I was going 2 go off again but I walked away but 2 think about it I ws thinking of inviting hm to church wed and I was so mad at myself because I probabily ruined my chances or maybe not. butI no that was an obsticle I may not have won butI will remember that for next time. I no that was a thing from the devil trying 2 get me 2 ruin it but if it takes me a nother month 2 get him 2 church so be it...

Are you a dusty salt shaker?

Recently I was praying for strength for students as they take a stand to do what's right in their school. That is truly the biggest battleground for most teenagers today. Think about it - they spend nearly 40 hours a week there! And the public school environment is generally pretty hostile to Christianity because everyone is worried about fitting in - and I think you'll agree that following Christ is NOT conducive to fitting in with the typical middle or high school crowd.

Matthew 5:13 says "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men." So I think this verse refers to the person who just loses their saltiness...they don't share the Gospel at all...their standards are no different than anyone else's...they simply hide their spirituality. But what about the person who keeps their salt bottled up in a salt shaker, sitting on the shelf? They're salty...they love God, they try to uphold Biblical standards for life (no drinking, sex, drugs, etc.)...but they get so worried about upholding their holy standards that they avoid anything (and anyone) secular. A salt shaker only works when you SHAKE IT and scatter the salt!

The "dusty salt shaker" Christian has good intentions and starts out with the right idea. They see in God's Word that He tells us to be "holy as I am holy". That's a tall order! But they forget that in John 17:14-15, Jesus is praying for His disciples and He says, "I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one." Jesus never sinned - He was perfect...but He spent time with sinners whenever He possibly could! His salt shaker was constantly shaking - salt was flying everywhere! He knew they were lost and He always found a creative way to show them love so that they would be receptive to the Gospel.

God saved us by His grace - that's it. His instructions for holy living were ultimately intended to give us direction for how to live a life that is healthy, fulfilling, and most of all - a testimony to the world of how He has changed us! He did not intend for those things to paralyze you! We are in this world, but are not of it. It seems that sometimes Christians forget that we're still IN it! I am so proud when I see students making choices to avoid partying or sexual temptation...but I'm heartbroken when I see them looking down their noses at people who haven't gotten there yet. In 2 Timothy 2, Paul is telling us to stay away from evil and don't get into senseless debate wih people. He also goes on to say in verse 25, "Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will."

Those people who mock Christians and scoff at others who don't cuss or drink or cheat... they have believed a lie that, without rescue, will lead to an eternity of suffering. They are captive to that lie - a prisoner that needs to be set free! As believers, we hold the keys to that freedom! God gave us this gift...and He never intended for you to sit in your dusty salt shaker and criticize the people who are trapped by deception. Shake the dust off - allow the Holy Spirit to pick you up and pour you out so that those prisoners can be freed. The shaking can be painful and you do run the risk of being contaminated by those you're trying to reach. His grace will cover you, His Word will equip you, and His love will guide you. Just SHAKE!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

About Love

Well this is my first time blogging, so here it goes.
I know that so many of your lives have been affected in someway or another by divorce, and I am sorry. I am sure that when you hear the statistics of 50% of marriages end in divorce you may wonder why try. But I want to encourage you with a little testimony from 'my life'.
First some background, Keevin's parents were married over 45 years when his dad passed away; and my mom and dad celebrated 47 years together last fall. We are both thankful for these examples in our life.
Keevin and I will celebrate 25 years of marriage this May. One of the key bible verses that we started our marriage on is Ecclesiastes 3:12 (TLB) "A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." We were not two people getting married but we were three. We invited God to be that third strand. We wanted Him to be first in our marriage. We wanted His guidance in all we did and still do today. Does that mean the past 25 years has been a piece of cake - no; but, it has been good. And we look forward to the next 25.
Don't get me wrong I am not bragging in any means - I just want you to be encouraged.
I pray that in your search for that special someone that you will remember this bible verse 2 Corinthians 6:14 (TLB) "Don't team up with those who are unbelievers. How can goodness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness?"

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I've heard so much...

I've heard SO many things over the last week that my brain can hardly digest it all. So here are the highlights...
  • I can't convince someone else that being extraordinary should be part of being a Christian. But if I live an extraordinary life for Christ...maybe they will see that and accept the challenge themselves! So where do I start?
  • Greatness and success are two very different things. One is Kingdom driven and one is self driven.
  • Everything that matters in this life begins with family.
  • Love and infatuation look remarkably similar...for a while. But time and trial will reveal what's true.
  • It is a sin to be good if God has called us to be great.

If I took time to elaborate on all these things now, I'd never get anything else done. So let those tidbits intrigue you for a while.

I can't wait to hear from STUDENTS on this blog! Who will be first???

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fine Arts and Sunday

So, yesterday was the Fine Arts Festival/Spring Convention for the state of South Dakota. I would first like to say that Yankton kicked butt! Hunter's guitar solo got a Superior with Invitational and so did a drawing by Heidi! Emily's poem, Alisha's poem, Taylor's drawing, Payton's song, Hunter and Heidi's duet, Heidi's song, Bre and Briana's rap, and Bre's photo all got a Superior rating! Way to go Yankton!! We rock. Also Bre's drawing got an excellent...nice effort Bre! I know we will be bringing a bunch more things to Fine Arts next year. As I was sitting in Sioux Falls' youth room watching human videos, I just felt so jumbled up inside. I really wanted to bring a human video and a some drama's to FAF, but everyone knows that in the time we had to get ready, we could not have brought anything of real quality and I am not going to bring something there unless it is ready.

Also, there was worshiping and a great message about giving by Pastor Mark Entzminger. The praise and worship was so amazing! Everyone was jumping all around and raising there hands and giving praise to God. It was one of the funnest times I have ever had worshiping God in my life! I really feel bad for anyone who missed it, but that just means that you should all come up with us next year!

Pastor Mark's message was about doing something extraordinary and radical for Speed the Light. Pastor Mark and his wife are giving up all the money they were saving for a new car. Sacrifice. I am giving up 25% of whatever I make to Speed the Light this year. Sacrifice. Pastor Annette is doing something amazing that is a strain on her body. Sacrifice. What are you willing to sacrifice to further the kingdom of God? Is the glory of God and salvation not worth an extra hour of work or giving up your allowance for a month and just giving that to Speed the Light?

On to Pastor Randy's sermon today. He talked about family's and loving your children but there is something huge in there that I hope that you guys picked up on. He talked about the Columbine shootings and how one of the boys, Dylan i think, was reaching out. He went to a youth group at a church and was a quiet and shy person. He did not talk to anyone and no one talked to him and, according to his journal, this made him feel even more rejected than he was already feeling. Guys, he did not ask for anyone to help him, he did not jump up in the middle of service and scream, "I need help! Can you guys help me!" That is not the way it happens in the world. When someone comes to youth group, great them. Ask them how there doing, get to know them. Just those simple greetings can mean the world to someone and I'm talking from experience here.

Well, that's all I have for today. Until I think of something else to blog about...

Friday, February 13, 2009

What is Love?

Just as Jordan I have never blogged before but I thought it's an interesting concept so I'll give it a go. I'm still amazed that after 14 years of marriage that I can still learn something about love that I didn't quite grasp before. I certainly did not hear the points about love verses infatuation until I became a Christian 6 years ago and heard it during a sermon. I did not grow up in a household where I had the security of a loving father and this completely shaped how I tried to gain love from the opposite sex. I truly felt as if I were on my own trying to figure out how a dating relationship was supposed to look like. Yeah, my mom was around but I had no idea how to talk with her about boys and unfortunately she did not take the time to try to explain what "healthy" dating was all about.

One of the points that Pastor Annette (PR) pointed out Wednesday night on the difference between love and infatuation was the "time" factor. I completely believed as a teenage girl that I knew everything about my boyfriend in like a 3-5 day span and that I was going to spend the rest of my life with this boy. And then when he was a jerk to me two weeks later I was completey surprised that I hadn't seen this flaw in him before and hated myself for giving my heart away. Well I promised myself that the next guy would be different, and he was, but the problem was that I wasn't different. I kept believing that I could really know a person and trust him with my heart within just a week or two. So thus I begain a crazy cycle of short-term dating expecting long-term results. I felt so alone but I was just so sure that if I could get enough love from the right guy that everything would be wonderful and I wouldn't feel like such a LOSER.

I could go on and on about all the mistakes I made, but what really counts is that I survived all those past mistakes because I finally found the real "love" of my life. Yes, it's God, Eric is great too, but God healed my heart, no human person can do that for us. And all of this took time, even my relationship with Christ takes time. I need to spend time talking with Him and reading the letters He has left for me to remind me of His love (this would be the bible, just in case you were wondering). Any healthy and worthy relationship takes time, whether it be a friendship, a dating relationship, or a co-worker. I look forward to next Wednesday night when we can hear more about love and I want to encourage you to take full advantage of this time. Because if you were a confused teenager like I was or don't know who to talk to about this subject, you are in the position to hear the real truth about what love is and not what this world tries to convince us it's all about. Until then have a great week and I pray that God's love will be revealed to you more and more.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What is Love?

I'm going to lay some truth down on you guys right away here; this is the first time I have ever blogged and I really do not know what I am going to write, so I think I'm just going to ramble on about the message last night and hopefully that is sufficient. It was a great message last night if you did not get a chance to hear it. Pastor Annette talked about love and infatuation; all differences and confusing signs they like to throw at us.

From what I understand, love and infatuation are NOT the same thing. That is a very important thing to remember. If anything, that is what the message was of the message. DO NOT get these two confused or your love life is going to be very miserable and disappointing. PR gave us some great verses on the subject, 1st Corinthians 13:1-4. Did you know that 1st Corinthians 13 is known as the love chapter? Well, you would have if you were listening last night, because PR said it. Burn.

My experience in love is very minimal, outside my family. I have not been on a date since 8th grade and that is by choice. PR said that studies show that teens that grew up in a loving home tend to feel the need to date less in high school and that is very true for me. Also, I was pretty geekish and shy my first two years in high school and when I finally got comfortable enough with the other teens in my school to actually start dating we upped and moved to Yankton and I just clammed up for my last year in high school. But that is the thing about love. If we do not have it, we will spend all of our energy and go through self destrution to get it. I feel love everyday of my life with my family and the friends that I did not have the want to go and have a girlfriend in high school. Thats changed now....moving on

That is what i got out of the message last night. It isn't anything earth shattering or incredibly enlightening but it really helped me out with some feelings that I had been having. Hope you all got something from it but if you didn't...theres always next week. We are talking about love again!!! Aree you as excitied as I am for those wonderfully akward discussions...ahh *exhale*

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

God Shaped Hole

Last Wednesday I talked about the idea of the God Shaped Hole. Eric Timm has a painting called "Black and White Issues" that perfectly illustrates this concept. God has created us with eternity in our hearts. There's a space that only He can fill.

When I asked you to think about the things that sometimes try to crowd into God's space in your heart, here's what you said...
  • My friends
  • Time online
  • Popularity
  • Band/Music
  • Dating
  • What people think of me
  • Plans for my future
  • Showing people up
  • Sports
  • Basketball
  • Cheerleading
  • Alcohol/drugs/partying
  • School/getting perfect grades
  • Trying to fit in
  • Fashion
  • Being too up front
  • Wanting to be noticed
  • Reading anything but the Bible
  • Video Games
  • Filling other people's expectations of me
  • Money
  • Pain/depression
  • Family
  • Drama/acting
  • Watching TV
  • Gossip
  • Food
  • Dance
  • Cell phone/texting

There were a lot of repeats throughout your lists. That shows you that you have way more in common than you may realize. Many of you had a difficult time coming up with ideas to make sure that those things DON'T take God's place in your life. Maybe if we had more time, you could have come up with more, but here are a few that were mentioned that were really good...

"I think I should do these things to GLORIFY GOD, but not to replace Him."

"Read my Bible, talk to my parents more, think about GOOD things."

"Don't listen to music that I know is bad for me."

"Trust that God wants to handle the pain."

"Remember that when my life is all over, none of these things are going to matter."

"Try to focus and hear what God wants for my life."

"Humble mysef more in front of my friends."

"Keep my friends close, but don't center my life around them."

Keeping God number ONE is a constant struggle that you will have to deal with through your whole life. Our human nature wants to be selfish and will never give up in that struggle! So make sure that you're doing whatever it takes to stay in touch with God. If you stick close to Him, He will speak to you when those things try to creep back in. He will also bless you in those areas that you mentioned that aren't necessarily bad (ex: sports, friends, school). He wants you to succeed! But there is nothing in your life that can ever be as important as your relationship with Him.

Father, open our eyes so that we can see You for who You really are...see ourselves as we truly are...and see the way to becoming who You've called us to be.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Well hello fellow bloggers! If this is a new experience for you, congrats! I think you'll enjoy it! The description sums up the purpose of this blog so I won't repeat it. I look forward to your insights and I hope that we can all gain a deeper understanding of God's Word and the importance of being intentional about applying it to our lives.