Monday, February 22, 2010

1 Girl Revolution

I meant to do this 2 weeks ago...we had a great discussion one night at 1GR about WORRY.  We talked about how God's Word tells us over and over that He will take care of our needs.  Yet most of us have never learned how to enjoy the real peace that Jesus died for us to have. 

We worry and stress and get anxious about almost everything.  God has this intricate, beautiful plan for our lives (like a perfectly created daisy) - which includes tough times - and we can completely trust Him.  But with our worry and stress, it's like we pick away at his beautiful creation (like the daisies that look half eaten).  After we're done freaking out and trying to manipulate our circumstances, we're often left with a sad looking life. 

Worrying doesn't add any good thing to your life.  Trusting God is a great sermon title, but can be hard to live out sometimes.  But let's keep working at it and not pick away at the beautiful plan God has for us.