Friday, February 13, 2009

What is Love?

Just as Jordan I have never blogged before but I thought it's an interesting concept so I'll give it a go. I'm still amazed that after 14 years of marriage that I can still learn something about love that I didn't quite grasp before. I certainly did not hear the points about love verses infatuation until I became a Christian 6 years ago and heard it during a sermon. I did not grow up in a household where I had the security of a loving father and this completely shaped how I tried to gain love from the opposite sex. I truly felt as if I were on my own trying to figure out how a dating relationship was supposed to look like. Yeah, my mom was around but I had no idea how to talk with her about boys and unfortunately she did not take the time to try to explain what "healthy" dating was all about.

One of the points that Pastor Annette (PR) pointed out Wednesday night on the difference between love and infatuation was the "time" factor. I completely believed as a teenage girl that I knew everything about my boyfriend in like a 3-5 day span and that I was going to spend the rest of my life with this boy. And then when he was a jerk to me two weeks later I was completey surprised that I hadn't seen this flaw in him before and hated myself for giving my heart away. Well I promised myself that the next guy would be different, and he was, but the problem was that I wasn't different. I kept believing that I could really know a person and trust him with my heart within just a week or two. So thus I begain a crazy cycle of short-term dating expecting long-term results. I felt so alone but I was just so sure that if I could get enough love from the right guy that everything would be wonderful and I wouldn't feel like such a LOSER.

I could go on and on about all the mistakes I made, but what really counts is that I survived all those past mistakes because I finally found the real "love" of my life. Yes, it's God, Eric is great too, but God healed my heart, no human person can do that for us. And all of this took time, even my relationship with Christ takes time. I need to spend time talking with Him and reading the letters He has left for me to remind me of His love (this would be the bible, just in case you were wondering). Any healthy and worthy relationship takes time, whether it be a friendship, a dating relationship, or a co-worker. I look forward to next Wednesday night when we can hear more about love and I want to encourage you to take full advantage of this time. Because if you were a confused teenager like I was or don't know who to talk to about this subject, you are in the position to hear the real truth about what love is and not what this world tries to convince us it's all about. Until then have a great week and I pray that God's love will be revealed to you more and more.

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