Monday, August 10, 2009

Overflow Story - Bre

I wanted 2 do something big for missions but I always had in the back of my head I would never accomplish what I wanted so I didn’t want to try. I had gotten a job at a little art studio downtown. That would mean not getting paid like a regular job because it was mostly volunteer but I would get paid a little and than I would be volunteering all my time there and none getting paid working for my dad and the last few weeks I had been volunteering working there I had been really praying about my over flow and what I wanted to do with it. I wanted to do something great but I have a car that needs some work and I need gas money so I was like no way this isn’t going to work I will wait to do my overflow. About a month before in youth group we talked about helping others and my youth Pastor put out papers we could chose from that said like, support a child for 6 month $30, or support a family. For 1 month $30 ECT. I had chosen support a family for 1 month $30 and I honestly blew it off knowing I wasn’t going 2 be able to pay that. And about a week ago we talked about the 9ine challenge and I was like that’s so cool! But I knew I wasn’t going 2 be able to pay that so I just put in the back of my mind. I got payed at my last week at the art studio I was paid $130, the exact amount need for all of the money I wanted to give to overflow… I was so amazed I knew immediately what I was supposed to do with it. Give it all. And I was offered more money and hours at the art studio next year and plans for stuff to do in the school year. Knowing I am giving all this money for missions makes me feel great that I didn’t just waste it on stuff I wanted but that is my overflow story and it was great.

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