Monday, March 2, 2009


I'm really enjoying this series on prophecy. And I appreciate the fact that Pastor is covering some history first. No offense guys...but a lot of you are pretty shaky on your Bible history. I noticed Sunday that "your row" was having a difficult time focusing. Sundays are NOT just for adults! If you want more spiritual maturity, you should definitely tune in to every message that is preached.

Pastor even made some specific references to young people! Did you hear it? He talked about how people can't be educated out of sinful behavior. In high schools all over the nation, they TEACH about irresponsible sexual behavior, but teenagers are still risking their lives with premarital sex! We can teach what Biblical standards are, but it's your choice to apply them to your lives. He also warned about becoming self righteous. It's fairly easy to do when it seems like the whole world around you is getting worse and worse. Be a light to your world. Let them admire you for having high standards!

Did anyone catch the mistake in Pastor's notes this week? I have a prize for you if you did!

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