Monday, March 30, 2009

Perfect Opportunity

One of the hardest things to do as a young Christian is to share your faith. Especially with people at school who you're going to have to face every day AFTER that. What if they reject what you have to say? What if they roll their eyes and walk away? What if they tell some other people what you said? What if they laugh? What if...?

What if they listen quietly, then text you later with a simple "thank you"? What if they accept your invitation to church and respond to an altar call? What if they simply let you pray for them? What if they accept Christ and then tell others? What if...? You just saved a life!

Isn't that possibility worth the risk? High school doesn't last forever...hell does.

Here's your perfect opportunity. Say It Loud will be fun - low cost - meet new people - eat food - win prizes - and SOMEONE ELSE will be there to give an opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ! I know you're coming and I'm truly glad - it'll be a blast. But you just might be able to throw a friend a true "life preserver". Do you care enough to try?

1 comment:

Emily said...

I know it is really hard for me to talk about my faith in school or anyone in that matter of fact but, i sit down and really think that maybe i can save there life. i would rather be made fun of sharing my faith with that person then sitting hearing the cries saying how come they didnt tell me.. do you want to see them living in a burning hell or do you want them to live in heaven?? that is all what it comes down to.