I'm going to lay some truth down on you guys right away here; this is the first time I have ever blogged and I really do not know what I am going to write, so I think I'm just going to ramble on about the message last night and hopefully that is sufficient. It was a great message last night if you did not get a chance to hear it. Pastor Annette talked about love and infatuation; all differences and confusing signs they like to throw at us.
From what I understand, love and infatuation are NOT the same thing. That is a very important thing to remember. If anything, that is what the message was of the message. DO NOT get these two confused or your love life is going to be very miserable and disappointing. PR gave us some great verses on the subject, 1st Corinthians 13:1-4. Did you know that 1st Corinthians 13 is known as the love chapter? Well, you would have if you were listening last night, because PR said it. Burn.
My experience in love is very minimal, outside my family. I have not been on a date since 8th grade and that is by choice. PR said that studies show that teens that grew up in a loving home tend to feel the need to date less in high school and that is very true for me. Also, I was pretty geekish and shy my first two years in high school and when I finally got comfortable enough with the other teens in my school to actually start dating we upped and moved to Yankton and I just clammed up for my last year in high school. But that is the thing about love. If we do not have it, we will spend all of our energy and go through self destrution to get it. I feel love everyday of my life with my family and the friends that I did not have the want to go and have a girlfriend in high school. Thats changed now....moving on
That is what i got out of the message last night. It isn't anything earth shattering or incredibly enlightening but it really helped me out with some feelings that I had been having. Hope you all got something from it but if you didn't...theres always next week. We are talking about love again!!! Aree you as excitied as I am for those wonderfully akward discussions...ahh *exhale*
1 comment:
Hello and I have FINALLY figured out how to blog. This is very new so I hope I am doing it correctly. I was in the youth class last night and I really enjoyed it. I also learned some new things. I want to know what the difference is between infatuation and lust? Is that also a gift from God or is it different? I hope I don't sound goofy but I was just curious. I really enjoyed being in the class and it was very cool to see what my daughter is learning. I think it is very good for middle/high school kids to learn things like this. It is a very important part of their lives and for some very difficult for parents to explain. Annette did an amazing job at describing it and also taught me a few things. It was a lot of fun and interesting.
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