When I asked you to think about the things that sometimes try to crowd into God's space in your heart, here's what you said...
- My friends
- Time online
- Popularity
- Band/Music
- Dating
- What people think of me
- Plans for my future
- Showing people up
- Sports
- Basketball
- Cheerleading
- Alcohol/drugs/partying
- School/getting perfect grades
- Trying to fit in
- Fashion
- Being too up front
- Wanting to be noticed
- Reading anything but the Bible
- Video Games
- Filling other people's expectations of me
- Money
- Pain/depression
- Family
- Drama/acting
- Watching TV
- Gossip
- Food
- Dance
- Cell phone/texting
There were a lot of repeats throughout your lists. That shows you that you have way more in common than you may realize. Many of you had a difficult time coming up with ideas to make sure that those things DON'T take God's place in your life. Maybe if we had more time, you could have come up with more, but here are a few that were mentioned that were really good...
"I think I should do these things to GLORIFY GOD, but not to replace Him."
"Read my Bible, talk to my parents more, think about GOOD things."
"Don't listen to music that I know is bad for me."
"Trust that God wants to handle the pain."
"Remember that when my life is all over, none of these things are going to matter."
"Try to focus and hear what God wants for my life."
"Humble mysef more in front of my friends."
"Keep my friends close, but don't center my life around them."
Keeping God number ONE is a constant struggle that you will have to deal with through your whole life. Our human nature wants to be selfish and will never give up in that struggle! So make sure that you're doing whatever it takes to stay in touch with God. If you stick close to Him, He will speak to you when those things try to creep back in. He will also bless you in those areas that you mentioned that aren't necessarily bad (ex: sports, friends, school). He wants you to succeed! But there is nothing in your life that can ever be as important as your relationship with Him.
Father, open our eyes so that we can see You for who You really are...see ourselves as we truly are...and see the way to becoming who You've called us to be.
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