Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Supernatural Compass

Well another school year has started.  It's Homecoming week!  I'm sure to most students, everything feels "normal".  But to those who have had a pretty supernatural summer, "normal" isn't enough.  I saw the Holy Spirit move in the hearts of many students this summer - starting with camp (mine included).  A missions trip transformed two others.  And it hasn't stopped yet.  There still remains a HUNGER in their hearts like I haven't seen here before.  I've been praying every Tuesday afternoon for an hour - and asking God for divine wisdom about how to lead during this school year.

Psalm 25:14 says "Lord I want You to CONFIDE in me!  Share Your plan with me!"

That's been my prayer!  Lord, show me Your secret wisdom.  So that I can follow Your supernatural compass for direction instead of human wisdom.  I challenged the students last Wednesday to ask themselves, "What if this is it?"  "What if this is your LAST school year?"  What will you leave behind if Jesus raptures His church?  Will they know why you're gone? 

There were 15-18 students who responded to the call that they wanted a different life - they wanted to be a true follower of Christ.  Life shouldn't revolve around church...or school...or a relationship...  But it should revolve around Jesus Christ!  And if we TRULY believe this stuff, then it should radically change our life!  That can be a scary idea in our human thinking.  So we need to stay focused on the dial of the supernatural compass that the Holy Spirit provides to see where we go from here.

We want it to be a different school year.  We want to see God move in the hallways of our schools, and to transform the lives of our friends.  Where do we start?  I have no clue...

But I know how to find out.  So this Wednesday, we are spending our entire service seeking the Lord and soaking in His presence.  There will be no games or life groups or chatting.  If we are serious about wanting to know what God has for us, then we have to learn how to be heavyweight prayer warriors.  Age does not affect whose prayers are heard.  We need to hear from Him!  Let's just see what God will do through us as we ask Him.

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